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radR project
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Table of contents
radR project
Radar concepts, as understood by radR
Features and Plugins
Tracker plugin
Multiframe correspondence tracker model
Nearest neighbour tracker model
Antenna plugin
Rawarch plugin
Animated .GIFs from radR - the gifmovie plugin
GIFmovie examples
Batch processing of blipmovies to extract tracks
Declutter plugin
Ettus Research USRP-1 + gnuradio software as a radar digitizing system
Front End Board
Installing Windows drivers for the USRP-1
USRP with incorrect VID/PID
USRP-1 issues under Windows
Filtering blips using an R expression
Rain filtering
Red Pitaya - preliminary work
Resumption of radR play when a radar re-awakens
Seascan plugin
Seascanarch plugin for reading Rutter .DAT files
The radR console window
The xir3000arch plugin for RTI .REC files
Conversion of XIR3000 .REC file folders into blipmovies
Possible range bug in newer (RLC 4) .REC files
The xir3000 plugin
Zone plugin
Tilter plugin
Video plugin using ffmpeg
Download and Installation
Initial installation: Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux
Initial installation: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Interfacing with SeaScan
Upgrade installation: Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux
Upgrade installation: Windows XP / Vista / 7
How configuration files are handled during an upgrade
Sample Data
GIFmovie: sample radR session
Screen shots
Where are the data for the currently displayed scan?
When I enter RSS$scan.mat in the console window, I just get a summary message. How do I see the raw numbers?
The score and mean matrices have different sizes. How do I get the mean for a particular sample?
How do I access a particular scan?
How do I process a bunch of scans?
I put the data from two scans into different variables but they look the same. Why?
How do I open a different archive?
How do I list the contents of an archive?
How do I get the data for a particular blip?
How are the intensity values calculated using the saveblips plugin?
How can I convert raw radar data in my own format into something that radR can use?
How to merge a blipmovie with custom data
Merge a raw archive with other data
Run radR without a GUI
What are hooks and how can I customize radR with them?
Save and process full sample data for multiple blips
Adjusting playback speed
How do I get a plugin to load automatically every time I start radR?
How do I get rid of that annoying text box in the plot window?
How do I keep a menu window open?
How do I vary the hot score threshold with range?
How do I zoom, pan, or rotate the plot?
I've opened radR, now what do I do?
Loading, configuring and enabling plugins
Processing Raw Data for Blips on Tracks
The player (or other) window disappeared. How do I get it back?
What are the controls in the player window?
What is "play mode"?
What is the antenna rotation axis?
Why doesn't the player "From:" button list my data source?
Current Issues
Chopping off the Zero Tails that Break Some Blipmovies
Fixing sweep durations that cause weird tracker behaviour
Running the tracker on a blipmovie saved with an exclusion zone is broken
Seascan pulse filtering - used by radR?
Zero-straddling pulses
In house stuff
RACON interference with bird radar
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