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Save and process full sample data for multiple blips

From $1

    Table of contents
    1. 1. Basic idea
    2. 2. Quick start
    3. 3. Details

    As of radR rev. 420, there is a new mechanism for obtaining and using complete sample data for multiple blips. 
    It is mainly intended for development on the tracker plugin and in calibration studies.

    Basic idea

    • interactively build a list of blips by scanning through a blipmovie (or other source) and selecting blips individually
    • save the retained list of blips as a data.frame in an R binary file
    • load the data.frame from the R binary file, and work with it

    Quick start

    • from the radR main menu:  Source an R script... radR/util/export_blips.R
    • when the radR plot window has focus, use these keys and controls:
      • a:  adds the blip or patch under the pointer to the set of retained blips
      • s:  save the set of retained blips; reset list to empty
      • Shift + MouseWheel Up: go forward one scan
      • Shift + MouseWheel Down:  go backward one scan
        (The pointerinfo window displays a short message when a blip is retained or when the set is saved.)
    • from the radR main menu:  Source an R script... radR/util/slice_blips.R, which does this:
      • load the saved blip data.frame
      • extract the angular cross section through each blip's brightest sample
      • plot echo strength vs. beam-axis-to-target separation angle for each blip on one graph

    This is just an example of what can be done with the saved data.  The slice_blips.R script can be used in a stand-alone R session (i.e. without running radR),
    provided you have defined the function deg <- function(x) x*(180/pi)


    Why use a binary R file? 

    The  .CSV files we use in other contexts to save blip information are not intended for data with varying numbers of columns.  We could reserve a maximum number of columns corresponding to the maximum number of samples in a blip, but this is very inefficient.

    How can a data.frame hold varying numbers of items in each row?
    R's data.frame object is flexible enough to allow this.  Each column in a data.frame is a vector, and usually these are atomic vectors (numeric, character, etc.).  However, R allows a data.frame column to be a list, which is a vector whose elements are arbitrary R objects.  In both cases, each slot in the column vector corresponds to one cell in the data.frame, but for list columns, the slot can hold a vector, instead of just a single item.  In our script, we use list columns to hold data for every sample in a blip:

    • samp.r:  the sample range in metres (note that the column "range" is the mean range for the entire blip)
    • samp.theta: the azimuth angle in degrees clockwise from North
    • samp.phi: the elevation angle in degrees above the horizontal
    • samp.dbm: the echo strength in dbm

    Here is an R session transcript showing how we can use the binary data saved by export_blips.R:

    > load("blips.RData") ## a file saved by export_blips.R

    > dim(blips)    ## the name of the variable, "blips", is saved in the .RData file
    [1]  6 17       ## there are 6 blips; each row of the dataframe corresponds to one blip

    > names(blips)  ## some columns describe the blip overall, others describe each sample in the blip
     [1] "x"          "y"          "z"          "t"          "ns"       
     [6] "area"       "int"        "max"        "aspan"      "rspan"    
    [11] "perim"      "range"      "samp.r"     "samp.theta" "samp.phi" 
    [16] "samp.dbm"   "r"        

    > class(blips$x) ## a standard, atomic vector column
    [1] "numeric"

    > class(blips$samp.r) ## a list vector column, which holds multiple items for each row
    [1] "list"

    > blips[1, "samp.r"] ## getting data from list columns works by indexing, as usual
    [[1]] ## except that the results are in a list (this is a small blip with only 8 samples)
    [1] 1797.5 1797.5 1797.5 1797.5 1797.5 1797.5 1797.5 1797.5

    > sapply(blips$samp.r, length) ## to get the number of samples in each blip, we apply length to each slot in the samp.r list
    [1]  8 18 17 19 19 11 ## we used sapply instead of lapply so that the answer would be an atomic  vector

    > i.max <- sapply(blips$samp.dbm, which.max)   ## for each blip, which sample is brightest?
    > i.max
    [1]  7  6  5  9 17  6    ## for blip #1, the 7th sample is brightest

    > blips$samp.dbm[[1]]   ## another way to get the data from a list column; here, for blip # 1; note that the 7th sample is indeed brightest
    [1] -75.65866 -74.96346 -75.11988 -75.06774 -75.34582 -74.28564 -73.06904
    [8] -74.44206

    ## Now, for something a bit trickier, select for each blip those samples which are at the same range as the brightest sample.

    > xc <- mapply(function(x, y) which(x == x[y]), blips$samp.r, i.max)

    ## For each blip, mapply passes the corresponding element of blips$samp.r and of i.max to the
    ## supplied function. Here, the function determines which of the sample ranges equals the brightest sample's range.
    ## This is the "angular cross section" of the blip, passing through the brightest sample.

    ## The result is a list of index vectors:
    > xc
      [1] 2 6 7

     [1] 1 3 6 11 18

     [1] 3 5 8 14

     [1] 9 10 15 19

     [1] 5 11 17

     [1] 5 6 7 10

    ## Here's how to extract the echo strength along the cross-section for each blip:

    > blips$samp.dbm <- mapply("[", blips$samp.dbm, xc)

    ## Notice that we've replaced the samp.dbm list column in the blips data.frame; we could just as easily have added
    ## a new column instead, like this:

    > blips$xc.dbm <- mapply("[", blips$samp.dbm, xc)

    See the script radR/util/slice_blips.R  for more examples of how to work with saved blip data.

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    a sample script for processing saved full-blip data. This script is included in radR 420 and later, but is attached here for convenience. Please use the version included with radR for actual data processing.
    1997 bytes17:04, 19 Jan 2010JohnActions
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