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No headers Once you have used the player to open an archive and have played through the learning phase, you can seek to scans:
- seek to a particular scan in the current segment of an archive:
0, 30) ## seek to the 30th scan of current segment in current
archive ## process the scan we just
seeked to, updating RSS$scan.mat etc.
seek.scan(RSS$source, 3, 1) ## seek to the first scan of the 3rd segment in the current archive
- determine the timestamp of the currently displayed scan:
RSS$timestamp ## printed in the local timezone
format(RSS$timestamp, tz="GMT") ## printed in GMT
as.numeric(RSS$timestamp) ## numeric timestamp: seconds since Midnight Dec. 31 1969 GMT
- seek to a particular time in the current archive:
date <- "2006 Mar 06 20:11:00" ## the desired ime as formatted in the plot window title
## make a numeric timestamp from the string above; the timezone is supplied explicitly:
ts <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(strptime(date, format=GUI$, tz="GMT")))
seek.time(RSS$source, ts) ## seek to the time ## process the scan
seek.time(RSS$source, as.numeric(RSS$timestamp + 3600)) ## seek an hour forward from current scan
BUG: the GUI player slider position will not reflect seeks done via script.