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IntroductionFrom $1Table of contentsYou are currently comparing two old versions - only when you are comparing against the latest version can you revert. Return to version archive. Combined revision comparison... radR is hardware neutral - it interacts with proprietary radar digitization cards via their client libraries radR uses straightforward documented statistical techniques for all processing steps radR is multiplatform - with versions for Windows and Linux operating systems radR uses a portable GUI - the interface is coded in R using the tcl/tk package radR offers separation of GUI and data processing - the graphical interface layer is cleanly separated from the processing layer, allowing for batch processing ... Other changes:
Version from 13:17, 14 Mar 2012... Version as of 13:37, 14 Mar 2012... radR is hardware neutral - it interacts with proprietary radar digitization cards via their client libraries radR uses straightforward documented statistical techniques for all processing steps radR is multiplatform - with versions for Windows and Linux operating systems radR uses a portable GUI - the interface is coded in R using the tcl/tk package radR offers separation of GUI and data processing - the graphical interface layer is cleanly separated from the processing layer, allowing for batch processing ... |
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