To set up interpolation functions to bind concurrent wind speed and direction to each track in df. Wind data are taken from weather.df, created using makeweather (see code below).
To eliminate tracks where airspeed < 8 m/s, vertical flight speed > ± 6 m/s, and difference between ϴ1 and ϴ2 > 50°. Secondarily, this function is used to appropriately organize data for analyses in chapter 1. Can be applied to single or multiple *_stats.csv files, and all data are stored in a single dataframe, radar.bin.
To eliminate tracks where airspeed < 8 m/s, vertical flight speed > ± 6 m/s, and difference between ϴ1 and ϴ2 > 50°. Secondarily, this function is used to appropriately organize data for analyses in chapter 2. Can be applied to single or multiple *_stats.csv files, and all data are stored in a single dataframe, radar.bin.
A process to extract information on individual targets from multiple digital blipmovie archive files. The data are stored in individual text files (*_tracks.csv), one for each blipmovie file. Command “rbatch” is applied through MS-DOS to call in blip and track parameter specifications in script “batchparm*.R”. These parameters are applied to a specified list of blipmovie files. This is requires a stable version of radR which operates through R version 2.5.1.
To simultaneously apply tracksum,, and correct.tracks to a single or in multiple *_tracks.csv files. A *_stats.csv file is generated from each *_tracks.csv file.
To extract raw data and to calculate various statistics for each track in a single or in multiple *_tracks.csv files. Resulting variables are stored in a new dataframe, df.