Table of contents
No headersPeople who have participated in this project:
(Please add to this or contact one of the listed individuals if you feel you or your organiziation has been left out!)
Impresario: Phil Taylor
- organization, ideas, motivation, initial studies and ongoing support for the project
Technician: John Brzustowski (jbrzusto AT fastmail DOT fm)
- programming of the radR platform and plugins; program documentation and wiki; statistical models
Hardware development and support: Dave Wilson (info AT
- development and debugging of hardware components; especially the tiltable dish antenna
Carolyn Matkovich (carolyn_matkovich AT yahoo DOT com): extensive hardware help, guidance, testing and patience; editing of wiki
Mike Peckford (mike.peckford AT gmail DOT com): extensive testing and discussions
Margaret Campbell: extensive field testing
Pockets (deep or otherwise):
- NSERC, through grants to Phil Taylor
- Bird Studies Canada, through grants and in-kind support to Phil Taylor
- Environment Canada, through contracts KR203-06-0102 and K4C25-07-0335 with John Brzustowski
- Environment Canada, through grants and contracts to Phil Taylor
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Co-operative Research Agreement/Renewable Energy
- Nova Scotia Ministry of Natural Resources, Habitat Conservation Fund
- New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund
- Swiss Ornithological Institute
- Industry partners