How to merge a blipmovie with custom data

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    Here is a script which reads a blipmovie, overlays an op-art pattern, and writes the result to a raw archive.

    The script and source blipmovie are attached to the page below.  Note that the input
    blipmovie contains a data hole at the centre.

    ## overlay.R: script to read a blipmovie, overlay some raw data, and
    ## write output to a rawarch.
    ## This script runs without the radR event loop, processing each frame
    ## explicitly.  This means, among other things, you can't step through
    ## it one frame at a time in the GUI to see what it's doing.
    ## To run this script, start radR, then in the console window, do:
    ## source("overlay.R")
    ## get blipmovie reader port
    from = BLIPMOVIE$get.ports()[[1]]
    ## configure the filename
    config(from, filename="")
    ## turn off rawarch compression, which on my machine links to a broken library
    RAWARCH$compress = FALSE
    ## get rawarch writer port
    to = RAWARCH$get.ports()[[2]]
    ## set output filename
    config(to, filename="testout.raw.biglist")
    ## "start" both ports
    ## get the table of contents of the source; it's the side effects of this
    ## call that matter, not the return value
    ## get scan info for first frame; subsequent scan info is incremental
    seek.scan(from, 1, 1)
    ## skip to the 20th scan in the input, to avoid null learning scans, e.g.
    seek.scan(from, 1, 20)
    ## start a run in the output
    ## set up an extmat for holding scans
    dat = extmat('my merged scan', type="short")
    ## process 100 scans, overlaying with a psychospiral
    for(i in 1:100) {
        ## get scan header and data into si, dat
        si =, dat)
        ## generate the pattern:
        pat = round(2048 + 1024 * outer(1:si$pulses, 1:si$samples.per.pulse, function(a, b) sin(i * a / si$pulses) * cos(i * b / si$samples.per.pulse)))
        ## overlay it by taking the maximum sample value in each slot
        dat[] = pmax(dat[], pat)
        ## set output scaninfo; NOTE: we do this due to a bug in
        ## put.scan.rawarch whereby the header parameter is ignored, and
        ## the scan header is grabbed from the global RSS.  FIXME: rewrite
        ## radR from scratch.
        RSS$ = si
        ## write to the raw archive
        put.scan(to, si, dat)
        ## show progress
        cat("Finished scan ", i, "\n")
    ## the raw arch can now be read using the radR GUI

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