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How to merge a blipmovie with custom dataFrom $1Table of contentsYou are currently comparing two old versions - only when you are comparing against the latest version can you revert. Return to version archive. Combined revision comparison... The script, source blipmovie, and output raw archive are all attached to the page below. Note that the input ## overlay.R: script to read a blipmovie, overlay some raw data, and ## write output to a rawarch. ## ## This script runs without the radR event loop, processing each frame ## explicitly. This means, among other things, you can't step through ## it one frame at a time in the GUI to see what it's doing. ## ## To run this script, start radR, then in the console window, do: ## ## source("overlay.R") ## get blipmovie reader port from = BLIPMOVIE$get.ports()[[1]] ## configure the filename config(from, filename=" Version from 14:26, 1 Jun 2016... ## overlay.R: script to read a blipmovie, overlay some raw data, and ## write output to a rawarch. ## ## This script runs without the radR event loop, processing each frame ## explicitly. This means, among other things, you can't step through ## it one frame at a time in the GUI to see what it's doing. ## ## To run this script, start radR, then in the console window, do: ## ## source("overlay.R") ## get blipmovie reader port from = BLIPMOVIE$get.ports()[[1]] ## configure the filename config(from, filename=" Version as of 14:37, 1 Jun 2016... The script, source blipmovie, and output raw archive are all attached to the page below. Note that the input ## overlay.R: script to read a blipmovie, overlay some raw data, and ## write output to a rawarch. ## ## This script runs without the radR event loop, processing each frame ## explicitly. This means, among other things, you can't step through ## it one frame at a time in the GUI to see what it's doing. ## ## To run this script, start radR, then in the console window, do: ## ## source("overlay.R") ## get blipmovie reader port from = BLIPMOVIE$get.ports()[[1]] ## configure the filename config(from, filename="") ## turn off rawarch compression, which on my machine links to a broken library RAWARCH$compress = FALSE ## get rawarch writer port to = RAWARCH$get.ports()[[2]] ## set output filename config(to, filename="testout.raw.biglist") ## "start" both ports start.up(from) start.up(to) ## get the table of contents of the source; it's the side effects of this ## call that matter, not the return value get.contents(from) ## get scan info for first frame; subsequent scan info is incremental seek.scan(from, 1, 1) ## skip to the 20th scan in the input, to avoid null learning scans, e.g. seek.scan(from, 1, 20) ## start a run in the output ## set up an extmat for holding scans dat = extmat('my merged scan', type="short") ## process 100 scans, overlaying with a psychospiral for(i in 1:100) { ## get scan header and data into si, dat si =, dat) ## generate the pattern: pat = round(2048 + 1024 * outer(1:si$pulses, 1:si$samples.per.pulse, function(a, b) sin(i * a / si$pulses) * cos(i * b / si$samples.per.pulse))) ## overlay it by taking the maximum sample value in each slot dat[] = pmax(dat[], pat) ## set output scaninfo; NOTE: we do this due to a bug in ## put.scan.rawarch whereby the header parameter is ignored, and ## the scan header is grabbed from the global RSS. FIXME: rewrite ## radR from scratch. RSS$ = si ## write to the raw archive put.scan(to, si, dat) ## show progress cat("Finished scan ", i, "\n") } shut.down(to) ## the raw arch can now be read using the radR GUI |
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