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TagDirectoryFrom $1Table of contentsNo headers/*** USAGE: TagDirectory(pages, tagPrefix, columnCount, listPagesOptions) build a multi-column tag directory for a list of pages PARAMETERS: (optional) pages : list/map/str list/map of pages to list; if pages is a str, then it is used as a path to a parent page to list all subpages; defaults to list of subpages of current page (optional) tagPrefix : str only use tags with given prefix (e.g. 'category:dog'); defaults to using only unprefixed tags (optional) columnCount : num number of columns to display; defaults to 2 (optional) listPagesOptions : map options passed into the ListPages template for listing each column entry; defaults to { sort: 'viewcount', reverse: true, style: 'bullets' } ***/ var pages = $0 ?? $pages ?? page.subpages; if(pages is str) let pages = wiki.getpage(pages).subpages; if(pages is map) let pages = map.values(pages); var tagprefix = $1 ?? $tagprefix; var columns = num.max($2 ?? $columnCount ?? 2, 1); var listPagesOptions = { sort: 'viewcount', reverse: true, style: 'bullets' } .. ($4 ?? $listPagesOptions ?? { }); // build map of all tags in pages var tagmap = { }; foreach(var p in pages) { var tags = p.tags; // check if page has no tags; if so make up a default list if(!#tags) { let tags = [ { name: (tagprefix ? tagprefix .. ':' : '') .. '(unclassified)', type: 'text' } ]; } // for each tag on the page, append the page to that tag's list foreach(var t in tags where t.type == 'text') { // check if either the tag prefix matches or there is no tag prefix var parts = string.split(t.name, ':', 2); if(tagprefix && (#parts == 2) && (string.compare(parts[0], tagprefix, true) == 0)) { let tagmap ..= { (parts[1]) : tagmap[parts[1]] .. [ p ] }; } else if(!tagprefix && (#parts == 1)) { let tagmap ..= { (parts[0]) : tagmap[parts[0]] .. [ p ] }; } } } if(#tagmap) { // count how many pages each tag has var tag_count = [ { tag: tag, count: #tagmap[tag] } foreach var tag in map.keys(tagmap) ]; // balance columns so that their heights are as equal as possible var column_tags = list.new(columns, [ ]); var column_sums = list.new(columns, 0); foreach(var t in list.sort(tag_count, 'count', true)) { // find shortest column var column = list.indexof(column_sums, list.min(column_sums)); // update column let column_tags = list.splice(column_tags, column) .. [ column_tags[column] .. [ t.tag ] ] .. list.splice(column_tags, 0, column + 1); let column_sums = list.splice(column_sums, column) .. [ column_sums[column] + (listPagesOptions.limit ?? t.count) + 2 ] .. list.splice(column_sums, 0, column + 1); } // emit the table with N columns <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" style="table-layout: fixed;"> <tr valign="top"> // loop over each column foreach(var column in column_tags) { <td style="padding-right: 20px;"> // loop over all tags in column, sorted alphabetically foreach(var tag in list.sort(column)) { <h5> string.tocamelcase(tag) </h5> template("MindTouch/Controls/ListPages", listPagesOptions .. { pages: tagmap[tag] }); } </td> } </tr> </table> }
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